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Our Video Ninja, Mark, Wins Again!
That's TWO awards in the last few months, y'all.
September 29, 2015

Team Gu's Video Ninja is on the ATTACK! Co-Founder, Mark Viglione, wins a SECOND PromaxBDA Global Excellence Award, and this time it is a Silver! He is the award winner for his work on Nickelodeon’s Slime Cup campaign. (As noted, this PromaxBDA award comes shortly after his Bronze PromaxBDA Global Award achievement for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Mutation Madness” digital campaign (link on Nimble Division's site. Or, read up more on our blog here.)

In collaboration with Nickelodeon International, Mark provided post-production work on their 150 multi-platform deliverables including promos, a sizzle, BTS reels, and digital spots. He was awarded the Silver in the “Children’s Program Campaign Using Multiple Media” category.

Nice work, Mark! Keep those awards a'comin so we can have shiny things everywhere!