Let's geek out! Pics & shares from New York Comic Con #NYCC15

Mark and I headed to Day 1 of New York Comic Con, and 6 miles later, we were able to snag some good pics and had some fun. People watching at NYCC is probably by far the best part.
First, let's talk about #TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) because that was by far the BEST panel that Mark and I attended. This animated show, if you haven't seen it yet, rocks! This was revived by Nickelodeon in 2012 and we got to see the TMNT crew chat about the the show that included Ciro Nieli, Brandon Auman (both Executive Producers), Seth Green (Leonardo), Greg Cipes (Michaelangelo), Hoon Lee (Master Splinter), Eric Bauza (Tiger Claw- a new character), and Rob Paulsen (Donatello). (And, we didn't get to see him but Sean Astin is Raphael, though he joined us for a brief moment via Facetime on Cipes' phone.) We also got a sneak peek at Season 4 and the first episode, too, which was pretty great. But, Mark does promo work for this show, so he already had some insider knowledge of it so he wasn't as jazzed as I was. For an animated series, this show is JAM PACKED with action!
What made this even more awesome for me personally, is that Rob Paulsen was also the voice of Yakko from Animaniacs. I have always been a huge Animaniacs fan as that was a damn good cartoon! Haven't seen it in a while? Go back and watch it. There is a ton of adult humor and innuendos that definitely flew over our heads as kids. Here's a perfect example of what I am talking about.
And, not to mention, Rob was the voice of Raphael in the 80's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. He seems like a really cool guy to-boot, so we were pretty pumped to be able to sit in on this.
Mark won a PromaxBDA Global Award doing a "Behind the Scenes" video for this show, so clearly he totally dug this panel. I mean, who wouldn't?!

Here are Mark's two "Behind the Scenes" digital content work for the show:
World of Warcraft had a pretty fantastic setup with medieval knights and the whole works. Another geek out of awesome!

Lego had a a play zone where you could build something and play in some legos, but the part I geeked out on was the kickass projector that they had displaying an image on a screen made of air. That's some cool tech right there! Displair invented this technology, check 'em out.

Cosplay obviously is a huge part of Comic Con, and it did not disappoint. Snagged a photo of our fave from the day and think you'll agree that it's a good one (image below).
In fact, he responded to me on Instagram as I wasn't sure what to say here (e.g. Batwoman?), and he said Batman is his favorite Disney Princess. We thought that was pretty amazing.

And, it wouldn't be final without a snapshot of Mark and I, Team Gu Founders at #NYCC2015. In fact, Mark came as Leonardo, his favorite turtle. I mean who doesn't love Leo?
Rockin time this year and next year we're doing full on costumes! Nerds unite! :)