Here's My Ultimate Guide to Witnessing the Solar Eclipse, the Power of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, and The Great Paradigm Shift of Consciousness...
First things first, being in the Path of Totality is not like ANYTHING you've EVER seen ...
It's not about the INORGANIC moon, but it's about our SOLAR force. The manufactured low frequencies behind the manufactured time that is used for things that many don't want to know (I'll just call it evil in short)... and of course it's always been that way.
But it's not about what you see, it's more about what you FEEL. Your Soul Being becomes one with the Universe... OR it can if you're tapping into something BEYOND the inorganic manufactured time.

It's the day after August 21, 2017, and my husband and I just got back from the Path of Totality to see the total solar eclipse that swept across the United States. We gathered a group to go experience this solar eclipse in the Path of Totality. WHY? If the moon is fake (and I know that it is and don't want to get into THAT as it's something that causes way too much conversation and ridiculousness), why would we do that? WHY would we WANT to see this eclipse.
Because it reminds you of the Sun, a life-giving force.
It reminds us of the SOMETHING BIGGER.
Even if there's those evil ones that want to do their low frequency workings, we can tap into something BEYOND it. I don't think cowering in fear is the answer, I don't think that buying into the inorganic either, but it's more about the power of the Solar Essence and almost being there to protect the energy in love. Why can't we create containers that are for the OPPOSITE to evil, which is connecting in love, right?!
This word 'psy-op' has been around for so long. And, while there is truth to it, I feel that word causes fear or causes people to 'run the other direction' instead of choosing to face these things head on in a NEW way. In love. In peace. In knowing that it doesn't matter what these evil beings do, but that we can do something OTHER than that and create something else.
The feeling that swept over our group is something that you can only feel as well. Tears fell down my husband Mark's face, and my face as well, as we stood in awe. We embraced and just thought ... WOW, AWESOME because we used the intention to connect into the Sun and what it provides to us. I use the word awesome in the truest sense of what that word means, using it the way it's supposed to be used... being in AWE! I am truly in AWE of the LIFE that our Sun gives! Truly!
Seeing other planets and stars come out mid-day, the crickets and street lights coming out and turning on, birds disappearing as their chirping ends immediately. You then feel the massiveness of this Universe and the impact that our Solar Energy and the Essence of Life that is has, and it's a deep, otherworldly, riveting feeling of Primordial Power that sweeps over your entire BEingness. So, it's a connection BEYOND what's in front of our eyes... if that makes sense.
Some of us just don't fall for bullshit. Period.
We cried and just stood in awe... we knew that we need to do things of the OPPOSITE on these days to create LOVE and PEACE within ourselves. It's about cultivating our energies.

I'll try to describe what swept over me:
I felt at one with All Things, because I realized fully the indescribable power of the Solar Being, then knowing what the Sun is, it provided a peace inside that swept over me, chills throughout my entire body, being connected, and innerstanding with 100% certainty that this is why we can stand in awe of Living Creation! It felt like being open and free to tap into the paradigm of consciousness and the huge shift we are in that commenced on Dec. 21, 2012, and now only quickens.
I know that these days are manufactured but that doesn't mean that we connect into THAT. Some of us can be attached to the "something more" that is available and this event had the OPPOSITE effect on some of us, as I am sure many experience.
This served as a reminder to doing what is right for THE SOUL is THE path and always the most vital thing to do. It's the Sacred Mission that MUST come alive. These evil ones in this world cannot derail us... when we choose to connect into energies that are otherwise.
Having recently JUST launched ideas and beginning to spread awareness about Disrupt Now, and my intention is to bring others along on that ride who also desire to create a full life experience devoted to their Soul's Truest and Highest Path. I want to show people that being able to live life to the fullest and not compromising is the way to BEcome in your WHOLENESS.
These things (and more) were all deeply reflected in this amazing Path of Totality solar eclipse experience. This kind of unbelievable astronomical event made by being VIBRATE like never before. It displays so clearly to us that we are truly one with this entire Universe, that trusting nature and knowing the Universe will take care of you is absolute truth. Always has been and always will be!
The goosebumps and hairs coming up all over the body, the feeling of being so close and in sync with the beautiful Sun and all of the universe-- these are things that most of us otherwise take for granted on typical days.
But, I get **it** now more deeply than ever before and more soulfully than I could have said Sunday before this event took place yesterday. I didn't realize the magnitude of getting beyond the INORGANIC in as much as I did during this event.
My husband and I have to become total solar eclipse chasers! Will it happen? Not sure. It's hard to say what will be going on when the next one crosses the US. We want to choose to create in LOVE and HIGH SOLAR energies BEYOND this manufactured inorganic-ness... not connecting into the INORGANIC but the truth is that to feel and even protect the Sun and our energies-- when we cultivate something more it is that which I describe above is a wonderful feeling you want time and time again.
Regardless of whether we can chase the next one to be in the Path of Totality or not to cultivate the opposite of what the evil creates (I see this as a way to combat it... maybe others don't feel that way, but we did), and what I know is that I don't want us to ever ever wake up one day wondering why we didn't do all the things we wanted to do. And, when we lay down on that death bed-- that will come as surely as the sun rises and sets because it ALWAYS WILL no matter what the evil wants to do because LIGHT is that much more expansive. That we do not have even one small regret. These feeling and reminders all came from seeing this solar eclipse in the Path of Totality and that we're connected into a HIGHER galactic truth... and we have much to uncover around it.
With these energies, I want to say this and put this intention into the universe:
May my Disrupt Now program help wake as many souls up to this as possible as I know that it is a huge part of my Sacred Mission in this lifetime...

Image source from
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