Health and wellness, creating change, supporting amazing people, doing good for the environment, for animals, and meeting AWESOME people that just make this world go round... THAT IS WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT!
This event could not be more up our alley and we would do ANYTHING to make lasting change happen in the health world, and to support animals. That's the basis of doing GOOD work, like DAMN GOOD work that can change the world, right?!
We are are SO excited for this event to happen and there are all kinds of juicy details on the site that we built, and in this video we created especially for this event!
It's just something that speaks our language... conscious language of doing good!
See more at for all the details, and please take a minute (literally) to watch the video!
Much love to the amazing humans and companies making this come together:
Chef Matt Martin, Julia Simon-Founder of Nourish, The Humane League's Kelsey Joseph, and Glau Figueroa!
Let's change the world!