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Pressing Pause in Your Business

By: Natalie Viglione

November 2, 2020

Sometimes the pause button is a necessity.

How many times have you beaten yourself up for needing to press pause in your business?

If you're like me, many times! But, sometimes the best and ONLY way clarity comes is when you press that pause button. Especially in times when "business as usual" isn't the case by any means.

Here's some top things to remember:

  1. Just know that you have the right to say NO. 
  2. You have the right to push stuff until next week. 
  3. You have the right to put major boundaries on your work and the way people interact with your business. 

But, make sure to turn on that "out of office" feature on your email so people know why you won't be answering for a few days.

People can respect the pause button if they're up to speed on the fact that you're pausing.

There is no difference between our lives and our companies. It's all intertwined on every level possible, and there's no way that you can untangle them. The key is to just remember it's about INTEGRATION!

Happy pausing if that's something you feel you need right now! You always have permission to do what's right to reset when it comes from a place of respect for the process and in the light of a refresh.

This year teaches us that shadows will come out of the darkness whether we like it or not, and hitting pause is a natural part of these kinds of processes.

Your life and business (or career) are totally intertwined. Check out more about pressing pause in your life...

#Gettingclarity #clarityinbusiness #purposefulliving #purposefulbusiness