Big leaps, moving through fear.
I’m Natalie Viglione and I created this company, Team Gu.
I climbed up that corporate ladder… moving to big cities like San Francisco and New York City, I had big dreams and wanted to fill my pockets and make shit happen!
I wasn’t doing what I was put here to do. I felt it with every ounce of my being. I wasn’t on the right path and I didn’t have the freedom I needed to CREATE. Honestly, I felt stifled.
I had MAGIC happen while living there (I met my now husband, Mark), but my soul in my career path was NOT fulfilled by a long shot. I wasn’t igniting MY MAGIC. MY PURPOSE. I knew that I needed to express MY truth and that wasn’t going to happen in the New York City agency land.
So, one day, I marched into my CEO's office and said BYEEEEEE and I left a big ass paycheck and said bye-bye to corporate land and started consulting for some clients that left with me (which was awesome) and then moved into kicking off my company, Team Gu.
It has evolved as any business should. Companies should evolve as the human that owns it evolves because we should ALWAYS BE CHANGING AND TRANSFORMING to be better than we were yesterday.
We’re called a Creative Collective, because, well, we’re creatives! Pretty simple. :)
But, I throw some of the operations/technology and science stuff in there so that it can be measured, stuff can get done, and get done efficiently. We MUST ground the creative process through action and measurement so we operate where creativity meets science (which is actually how my brain works).
Then there's my other half, Mark Viglione, yep, he’s my husband. He hates being in FRONT of the camera. He’s the behind the camera video guru though so that’s all you get.
Unless he pops in here randomly (he’s that guy - got some mad photobombing skills).
So are you wondering where the name Team Gu came from? So the Gu is short for gurus. And a guru is just an influential teacher or a guide.
We don’t levitate or use the force to move objects. Though… wish we had it we do. At the foundational level, we guide YOU as a business owner, as an entrepreneur towards your truth, extracting your purpose further.
This is in the form of strategy or purpose-driven strategy as we call it. I do the strategy worK. Strategy is also the content strategy for DIGITAL (we’re talking 2020 terms so DIGITAL DIGITAL DIGITAL) We then look at the brand, its uniqueness, and then derive how creativity through content can fuel your business.
I write copywriting/ghostwriting, do the important science part of SEO, we write video scripts, and Mark develops video and does graphic design (and we have two others that help our business too!)
Then I look at what tools, systems, technologies are there, and how your business communications and collaborates - then I make recommendations to fix it or manage projects to get the shit we need to get done- DONE.
This is the operational support that is extremely important. We know that it’s time for BOLD transformation.
The world just got a massive WAKE UP CALL.
Right now, we’re standing at a precipice. Standing before you is a choice.
Take your business to the next level or get left behind. I don’t know about you, but the next level sounds a whole lot better, right?!
Technology IS marketing today and every business has a unique way that it needs to be expressed into the world. It’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy, so don’t be a copycat.
There are best practices but it needs YOUR SPECIAL FLAVOR added.
YOU MUST SHARE YOUR TRUTH IN AN AUTHENTIC WAY. Our purpose is to support you to help you scale, to help you grow, and to be authentic while you do it, and to do it right. We’re not just a consulting company, we are a CREATIVE COLLECTIVE.
We represent TRUTH, BOLDNESS, and drive CONSCIOUSNESS through the partnerships and clients that we serve with a motto to ALWAYS CREATE. And we have FUN while we do it. LIFE IS TOO SHORT!
Isn’t it time to get back to ensuring you drive your purpose OUT THERE and do it right?
Contact us now to get a free consultation to see if we’d be a good fit to help you unify, motivate, and broaden your impact on the world!
The world is waiting FOR YOUR TRUTH…. Where are you?